IT Hoot is a Five Star Company based on Clutch reviews
IT Hoot has received the first review on Clutch. Since 2018, IT Hoot has been converting the expertise of our team members into innovative solutions

IT Hoot is a Five Star Company
Since 2018, our team has leveraged our technical expertise and innovative technology to help companies implement the software solutions they need to improve their business. The key to the success of this approach relies on understanding our client’s needs, convincing them that we have the answers, and then execute.
This allowed us to earn our first five-star review on the B2B platform Clutch.

Set-Up, Fit, Execution
The project itself involved app development that should help the client company communicate better with their customers. It had to be user-friendly and convenient.
The client had already prepared a design for the platform they wanted and only required the technical expertise to make it real. This situation fits our approach perfectly and the client agreed. Our team chose the technology that best fit their needs and made the final decisions regarding the final product.
This meeting of offer and need was what prompted the company in choosing us over other vendors. It’s also what allowed us to deliver some of our best work towards this project. According to the review, the product met all of their requirements, it had all the features they wanted to see, and our final decisions only made it better as a platform.
We are quite happy and thankful that our work convinced the client to award us with a five-star review because it’s caused a domino effect for our team we did not anticipate.
Set-Up, Fit, Execution
The B2B industry is a relatively small community where word of good work is quickly spread. In fact, B2B platforms rely on each other in order to determine which companies deserve the most attention.
This particular Clutch review was included in the 2021 research of a relatively new platform called Top Design Firms. Thanks to the five-star rating that we were given, we were included in their list of Top 100 Website Development Companies.
This is a fortunate turn of events for us because it will undoubtedly raise our profile even further and bring in more business. We just have to stay consistent and keep delivering what our clients have come to expect from us.
We are a young company, but we’ve proven to know what we are doing. Learn more about the services we offer and contact us today. We will take the time to understand your needs and deliver a solution that meets all of them.